Live Your Life with Intention


Ready to take your next step towards success? Schedule your complimentary call with Peggy today and unlock personalized guidance tailored to your goals.

Don’t wait, book now and let’s make your dreams a reality!

About Me

Hello and welcome! I’m Peggy, a passionate life coach on a mission to inspire intentional living. At 73, I’m not just embracing life; I’m rewriting my story with purpose. After teaching for 26 years and a brief retirement, I got rewired, transforming into the best version of myself. Now, I’m here to guide you on your journey to live your life with intention.

During the summer of 2022 I was fortunate enough to have Peggy Messer speak during a staff wellness initiative. Her talk on “Living Life With Intention” was inspirational and insightful while resonating with several staff members who were on their personal journeys to improved health and wellness. Peggy speaks from her heart, her words are a honest reflection of her personal journey to improved health and wellness. Peggy’s message is sincere, heartfelt, humorous and impactful!

Theresa Woodworth;ESY Summer School Principal

My Transformation

Join me on this adventure as we navigate through the chapters of life. A proud member of Journey Fitness for a decade, I’ve lost 50 pounds and defied the limitations of age. Despite initial doubts, I’ve proven that it’s never too late to reinvent yourself.

Embrace Your Potential

“Live your life with intention.” This isn’t just a tagline; it’s a philosophy I’ve embraced. Whether you have two, ten, or twenty more years ahead, let’s uncover what you were meant to do and how you can serve others.

I had the pleasure of witnessing Peggy Messer present, and it was truly inspiring. Her energy and passion are infectious, leaving a lasting impression on everyone in the audience. Additionally, I’ve had the privilege of working with her in her coaching business, ‘Live Your Life with Intention,’ powered by Todd Durkin IMPACT Life Coaching, and I can confidently say she is amazing. Peggy’s guidance and expertise are the perfect resource for anyone looking to navigate challenges and reach new heights in both their personal and professional life. I highly recommend her services to anyone seeking positive transformation and growth.

Travis Barnes; Entrepreneur, Franchisor, Podcaster, Speaker and Coach

Elevate Your Journey

Motivational Speaking

Experience the power of authenticity through my unscripted, off-the-cuff speaking style. I’m visible, real, and relatable. Let’s connect and explore how I can inspire positive change in your life.

Life Coaching

My focus is clear – I want to help motivated individuals commit to a program where they can become a better version of themselves. Join me on a transformative coaching journey tailored to your unique goals.

The Journey Continues

Life is a journey, not a destination. I’m not here to be perfect; I’m here to be real. As I navigate through the Todd Durkin Impact Coaching Certification, I’m eager to share my learnings. Take the first step toward Intentional Living!


Connect with Peggy

Ready to embark on your journey of intentional living?

Let’s connect and explore how you can live your life with purpose and embrace the positive changes that come with it.

Schedule your complimentary call with Peggy today and unlock personalized guidance tailored to your goals. Don’t wait, book now and let’s make your dreams a reality!